Win FAST With This Godly Gambit

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A friend of mine sent me the Godley Gambit so it had to become a video.

1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. exd5 Nf6 4. dxc6 Nxc6 5. Nf3 (5. Bb5 Qd5 6. Bxc6+ Qxc6 7. Nf3 Bg4) (5. Be3 e5) (5. c3 e5 6. Nf3 e4) 5… e5 6. dxe5 (6. Nxe5 Nxe5 (6…
Qxd4 7. Qxd4 Nxd4 8. Bd3 Bf5 9. Bxf5 Nxf5 10. O-O Nd4 11. Nc3) 7. dxe5 Qxd1+ 8. Kxd1 Ng4 9. Bb5+) (6. c3 e4 7. Nfd2 Bd6) (6. Bb5 Bg4 7. O-O (7. Bxc6+ bxc6 8. dxe5 Qxd1+ 9. Kxd1 O-O-O+ 10. Bd2 Nd7) 7… exd4 8. Re1+ Be7) 6… Qxd1+ 7. Kxd1 Ng4 8. Ke1 (8. Be3 Nxe3+ 9. fxe3 Bc5) *

0:00 Intro
8:28 GAME 1 vs. 1168
16:28 GAME 2 vs. 1260
23:15 GAME 3 vs. 1260

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  1. The Queens gambit, the Kings Gambit, THE GODLEY GAMBIT! Maybe… IMHO

  2. You trade bishop for pawn
    Low-rated players: "That's blundering a bishop"
    High-rated players: "That just blunders a bishop"
    Medium rated players: proceeds to run out of time on a 2 hour long game, overthinks reality

  3. Can you make a video on the anti-anti caro kann? I understand there are a few traps in that line as well

  4. Do you have a video on the kloosterboer gambit you mentioned? Love your videos!

  5. Just played a London with black (if that’s what’s you’d call it) took the queen on move 8 😁

  6. Where can i find your Portuguese Opening course?

  7. I’m on an exercise machine at Planet Fitness

  8. Just got off night shift and I'm smoking weed watching you instead of sleeping xo

  9. I don't understand. What if white doesn't eat at start. And just push first pond forward?

  10. please show the gambit clearly first. and then the possible alternatives or moves the opponent might do. it is so confusing. sometimes i forgot what i was watching in the middle of the video.

  11. I like how in the beginning he mentioned that The Godley Gambit is written GODLEY but writes it Godly.

  12. At minutes 25, queen A4 check and that's a free bishop 🙂

  13. 251k now ots 1.55M thats crazy improvememt really nice

  14. Watching your videos have helped me understand chess well enough that 5 days before I turn 30 I finally won against my dad…I was playing black, he took more pieces of mine off the board but I won his queen and won with queen guarded by rook checkmate….over an hour game 😮‍💨 but finally….finally I beat him 🥳😅

  15. I request you first go through the main line of the opening till the end before showing us the variations.
    It's hard to keep up Gotham.

  16. My guy really says 251k people subscribed at the time of this video. So crazy the blowup. Love these gambit videos

  17. 26:49 converting a winning position — I'm listening 🙂 When I get a big advantage in the opening, I get overconfident and blunder into an equal end game. Or worse 🙂

  18. This is a great Gambit For Black.Hope you can make more videos on YouTube.♟️🤜🐆

  19. The actual point of this gambit is to make an IM struggle against ab 1100 noob and bring them to middle-game where the IM has sufficient skill to beat the noob anyways. Better name this as “Gambit against self”

  20. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

  21. I m currently studying in IT field. 1st year in college learning about coding and stuff…. 😃❤️😄

  22. @Gothamchess @25:50 Working in B2B sales, taking Google Certificate Courses, and watching this weird, but awesome, guy talk to himself about chess on camera. Lol

  23. Where is it? Huh levy I want the kluzterbluahr gambiyf LeVy!

  24. I actually played against this earlier prior to seeing this video. He blundered and let me initiate the queen trade. I was confused the entire game until I saw this.

  25. Arg. Okay. This vid is a yr old, regardless Im gonna leave this feedback here cause this was the triggering video. If you're gonna provide instruction on a play, STAY FOCUSED on THAT play when discussing it. Im a noob when it comes to chess move names/plays, so presenting a play with, "e5 – d5 …etc" then going on a tangent about another move which is another play then blah-blah-blah is totally confusing unless I know the details of those names/plays. But alas… that might just be the nature of chess, but before seeing all the routes off the beaten path to beat traffic, one should first know the main route.

  26. I watched this video and on the first game I promoted to three queens with a rook and checkmated in three minutes

  27. your very good …. quick to the point, funny, personable and give really good instruction. Please, what is your advice for most sound gambit against white e4, in your opinion?

  28. I am 108 rated and I used this gambit to get checkmate in less than 10 moves. Thank you, Gotham!

  29. Win fast with godly gambit
    also this video: half an hour long

  30. My guy Levy was so ready to stop recording so he could demolish that pasta 🤣 🤣 🤣

  31. 250, 000 lol, currently there is 12 x's that in 2 yrs. thats nice.

  32. Haven’t been feeling really great, all I ever wanted to be is happy but I have nothing going on and I’m totally lost.

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