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🔹 Chess Opening: Englund Gambit 1.d4 e5 | Traps and Ideas –
In this video lesson, we will explore an aggressive chess opening for Black against the White’s first move 1.d4. If you are playing 1.d4 yourself as White or if you are looking for an aggressive way to counter 1.d4 as Black, then you are going to love this!
GM Igor Smirnov shares with you the Englund Gambit, which happens after the first moves 1.d4 e5. Black’s idea is to avoid the traditional closed queen’s pawn games and create an open game with tactical chances, but at the cost of a pawn.
This will be a surprise for your opponents who play 1.d4 looking for a more positional game with strategic ideas. In this video lesson, you will learn the Blackburne–Hartlaub Gambit, which happens after 2.dxe5 d6, aiming for quick development after 3.exd6 Bxd6.
► Chapters
00:00 Aggressive Chess Opening for Black Against 1.d4
00:21 Englund Gambit 1.d4 e5: Why?
01:49 2…d6 – Blackburne-Hartlaub Gambit
03:46 White loses their Queen: Can you find it?
04:34 Black’s Winning Attack on Kingside
07:06 Line-2: If White plays 6.Bg5
09:05 Tip: How to find Attacking Moves
09:50 Line-3: If White plays 3.Nf3, not 3.exd6
11:55 Thank you for your support!
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#GMSmirnov #ChessOpenings #ChessGambit
great channel keep it up
what if white doesnt capture pawn on e5
Hi Igor sir, I have a doubt can you tell me what if white never captures the d6 pawn. How will I develop my black bishop. Please help me
what if after bishop on h4, white plsys h3 then g4 forcing our bishop back, delaying our castle and our attack.. what do i do then? there is also the possibility that he might develop his bishop later on from the white side.. and ofc the knight tempering out the center
What is they attack my knight
After white castle should black just take white knight so after black queen could go to h4?
I take it back, black check the king with bishop opening his rook. As king is in check he can't move his queen, white moves his king to h1 and black takes the queen with the rook
It seems to me that the move for black after the premature castle is for the black square bishop to take the h2 pawn checking the king. white, while picking up a bishop and rook loses his queen plus he is left with poor king protection.
at 11:09 when you move the queen out for a multi-purpose attack why doesn't white push the pawn forward to check the king, threaten promotion and mess up your ability to castle?
I love how ur cats jus sleeping on the desk
what if he doesn't take pawn on d6 ?
6: h3 puts a stop to this plan and at 10:20 white would play bishop g5 not f4 which would again leave white in a better position.
May be a silly question but what if once you've played bishop to g4 white moves their pawn to h3, what would you suggest?
Nice, I'm starting to like the gambit style of playing. Forces your opponent to make decisions right out of the gate and tends to disrupt whatever opening they might have planned. Just played this against a 1500s level player and beat them in 14 moves.👍
What about if white plays obvious moves that are better like kicking your bishop with h3 or pinning your knight with bishop b5 and then trading to disrupt your queen side?
When asked to write the moves in comments why not just show as well for those who don’t know instead of having to to look thru comments and see different answers. I’m still going to support the channel as always. 💯💯
Thank you for this dynamic opening
4:16: my move: Bxh2, winning the queen.
Igor, thank you very much for all of your videos! They are exceptionally thorough and you explain things in a very down-to-earth manner. I have been enjoying these quite a bit! I especially enjoyed the response to d4, because I've always struggled finding a way to put myself in a solid position to attack as black. I hope you will keep up the great work!
I would play Bishop h2
omg, this is such a better way to play, it actually gives you a fun and solid position regardless of white's prep
Today I`ve played this: 1. d4, e5 2. dxe5, d6, and my opponent did 3. Af4…
What if an opponent plays pawn to h3 early before you managed to move bishop to g4?
What do you do if white declines taking the opening pawn on E5 and plays E4 instead to solidify his position? Had such a situation and was a bit lost thereafter.
Dear Igor, is the cat alive?
This opening is amazing, had so much success and caught some very strong players off guard. My only question is: What do we do if white instead of developing the Bishop on e2 to break the Pin goes to b5 pinning our Knight on c6 to the King threatening to capture our Knight and double our pawns on c7 and c6. I had a game where after castle queenside my opponent took the Knight on c6 and doubled my pawns, leaving my King exposed on the B file. If that happens is it possible to still somehow castle queenside or should we castle king side instead?
No need to struggle with the “ R” …. It’s ok to speak with your accent
I wish you do more openings with C4/D4 with black and white tricks,cause a lots of players play this against me and i am more and E4 player.Thank you if you can do this!Your videos are very well done,very good!
Bd6 to Bh2
I like this opening.
thank you!!! finally something FUN to play against d4! i am going to be playing this all the time now!
Problem for this defense is that White need not accept the gambit, in which case Black has a lost game.
there are a lot of mistakes in the video. at minutes: 6:15 you said it's not easy to stop checkmate for white. but white has a better position by the computer! and there is no checkmate at all! we have white:g3 h4 bXc6 pawnXc6 f4 (f4 is stop the checkmate and both are equal) ! or at minute 5:32 you said there is a deadly threat and black can checkmate the white BUT it's wrong according to computer white has slightly better position here are the move after that: white: g3 gxf3 bxf3 Qd7 so white stoped the thread and the rest of the game white has a bit better position! and it's not only this video there are a lof of mistakes in other videos as well!!!
11:09 attack the beep boop pawn
ack, i got an aimchess commercial. My ribs hurt from laughing. So riduculooose.
Sorry to hear about the hack, glad everything is looking up. Recently got into chess about 2 months ago an have made it to 700. Long road ahead but your videos are great! No fluff, all gas no brakes.
Appreciate the analysis!
11:27 What if d7?
cheao tricks for beginners. no serious player woud take this…
I am sorry to hear about you getting ripped off. How did they do it?
What if after 1.d4 e5 2.dxe5 d6 3.Nf3 Nc6 4. Bf4 Bg4… white keeps the tension with a move like Nbd2?
Gm Igor, so sorry to hear about the recent hardship, so glad you're handling it so well. You really are the best help and teacher I think for someone straddling the beginner/intermediate hurdle such as myself and who can't currently afford classes or personal instruction. THANK YOU
If 0-0 the queen will die
What if knight will go d5 after queen e7
If you have a chance can you show some move combinations that might happen with an early H3 move by white when you move your bishop to G4. As in just before you show the white side choose to castle.
B takes h2
What if i played bishop to g4 and the white played h3 early
haha i play this gambit against 1 e4 d5