Top 5 Fastest WINS in the King’s Gambit

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♛ Find the King’s Gambit traps shown in the video in this blog-post –

In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares his favourite traps in one of the most aggressive chess openings for White, the King’s Gambit, where White undermines Black’s central pawn with 1.e4 e5 2.f4.

Whether your opponent accepts the gambit with 2…exf4 or declines the gambit by defending their central pawn on e5, you will learn some really cool traps for both!

► Chapters

00:00 Best Chess Opening Traps in the King’s Gambit
00:16 Trap-1: Declined Variation, Queen’s Knight Defense
03:19 Trap-2: Accepted Variation, King’s Knight’s Gambit
06:42 Trap-3: Checkmate by minor pieces
09:30 Trap-4: 3.Bc4, Bishop’s Gambit
12:01 Trap-5: 64% Win Rate after the most played moves
13:21 Bonus Trap

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  1. Most laughs I ever got with all the forks! I will have to try this on the bots. Thanks Igor!

  2. When 1500s see the King's Gambit their hearts drop in terror and dread as their opening knowledge slips away 😅

  3. Trap 2 is interesting because it is a version of the normal trap you get if you go for the Muzio, but yours is in the main line. The Muzio version is
    1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 g5 4. Bc4 f6 5. Nxg5 fxg5 6. Qh5+ Ke7 7. Qf7+ Kd6 8. Qd5+ Ke7 9. Qe5# 1-0
    I think I've won more games with this trap than any other position. but I've also lost a lot of games going for the knight sac in other kings gambit lines where where opponent has played F3, where it either partly works but does not lead to mate or simply doesn't work. Be warned if you go for the sac and black is 1-2 moves deeper in then you really need to calculate 3-5 moves in front to figure out whether you are losing or winning .

  4. Thanks Igor, as always your explanations are the best! Happy New Year

  5. Too bad nobody every plays what i want them to in blitz

  6. Fisher played the King's gambit against the First computer Comp Greenblatt. He won it.

  7. Another awesome video Igor, thanks so much.

  8. King’s gambit has been my favourite since a long time now….

  9. I'm stock in 1600 can you give an advice or give me any openings

  10. If the knight isn’t tempted after white castles and brings out his own knight to protect his bishop then it’s the end for white?😊

  11. Great instruction, thanks.
    Not that I have the skills to apply in real life!

  12. Gosh, why can't I make it look so easy? (Don't say it: because I'm an idiot.) (With all respect to the fellow idiots out there.)

  13. “Knightmare” was best ever play on words I’ve heard my entire life.

    Provided great instructional video here.

    I play often this gambit. I was advised years ago I shouldn’t spend time — as a beginner — with the King’s Gambit; however, I play beginners and I have, say, won 80% of my games with this opening and I’ve played it often enough that I wear out “stronger” opponents because, as you demonstrated, I’ve developed the center of my board while by definition of gambit accepted their board is scattered to edge.

    I’m a say 1375 player and I defeated twice a say 1600 player a few July 4th weekends ago. I was the buzz of the gathering after — before a growing audience — I won the twice with this opening.and once trading pieces to clear an excruciatingly closed board and promoting a pawn.

    This is indeed my favorite of your videos.

  14. Kings Gambit always loses for White
    Black accepts and then does B-K2
    I've never lost a game playing Black against Kings Gambit

  15. Fantastic video . I am actually 2100 rated, but I don’t know opening theory and I use my experience and board vision. Gonna go hard on learning kings gambit in details

  16. 13:19 Wouldn't black developing their other knight prevent that fork?

  17. couldn't king just go up one square instead of taking the rook? then rook takes queen, room takes rook, next move you have whites other rook and you're down a queen but have two rooks?

  18. Nice video., now delete this video!!! lol

  19. Igor should give us some ideas on the Kings gambit declined,1.e4e5 2.f4 Bc5 in which Black doesn't need to defend his e-pawn,because after 3.fe? Qh4+! wins.

  20. Stockfish appropriating your content! Great!

  21. I lost to this in work and now im obsessed w knowing more of it

  22. So far, every time I go knight to F3. they go bishop to E7

  23. I'll never forget this video, I can't thank you enough for single-handedly teaching me the opening that makes me guaranteed to win as white in most matches to finally escape the 1200 Prison and roam free in the world of 1300s

  24. Only if my opponent does these things😂😂😂😂

  25. What if on 8:45 black plays bishop d6 instead of knight a6….. U can't do shit useless video

  26. Trap 3: Checkmate by minor pieces does not work. When 1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 g5 4. Nc3 g4 5. Ne5 Qh4+ 6. g3 fxg3 7. Qxg4 g2+ 8. Qxh4 gxh1=Q. 9. Nd5. Now … Be7 prevents mate because 10. Nxc7+ provides an escape square for black and threatens to take Knight or Queen. But, you need to do: 10. Qh5 threatening Qxf7+ on the next move

  27. I enjoy your videos a lot, but I feel like you take the adversary for a dumbass haha

  28. Your teaching way is outstanding,Sir😊

  29. Thank you for the nice tips, I was looking exactly for this kind of opening as it fits my style of play. My new favorite opening at 1600-1700 level on lichess!

    PS: at 8:37, 9. Nd5?? by white is not an "interesting move", it's a big blunder and white is losing completely after 9… Be7, developing and gaining a valuable tempo on the white Queen when black is already a rook up and already has a winning game.

  30. The best chess video I have ever seen. Great explanation, exploring most common variations and showing how to make a trap for opponent. Great work 👏🏻

  31. that’s the thing they show us these traps but that’s only if the opponent make the same moves

  32. I'm going for a tournament to join the best Club in my town

  33. In trap 3, no one is ever going to play knight a6 and if they play the more regular knight c6, then none of that works at all, as they have both knights covering e6. So this trap will literally never happen in the real world. You said knight move to a6 so fast too, as if you knew it was a blunder that will never be played and you wanted to skip by that quickly.

  34. I really appreciate your content, it‘s great. It‘s just super annoying when playing games after watching these videos my opponents quite literally never play the moves required to apply these traps.

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