The Danish Gambit, known as the Nordisches Gambit in German and the Noords Gambiet in Dutch (both meaning Nordic Gambit), is a chess opening that begins with the moves:
White will sacrifice one or two pawns for the sake of rapid development and the attack. However, with care, Black can accept one or both pawns safely, or simply decline the gambit altogether with good chances.
Although it may have been known earlier, Danish player Martin Severin From essayed the gambit in the Paris 1867 tournament and he is usually given credit for the opening. The Danish Gambit was popular with masters of the attack including Alekhine, Marshall, Blackburne, and Mieses, but as more defensive lines for Black were discovered and improved, it lost favor in the 1920s. Today it is rarely played in top-level chess.
Blackmar – Diemer Gambit or (BDG) is a chess opening characterized by the moves
where White intends to follow up with f2–f3, usually on the fourth move. White obtains a tempo and a half-open f-file in return for a pawn, and as with most gambits, White aims to achieve rapid development and active posting of their pieces in order to rapidly build up an attack at the cost of the gambit pawn. It is one of the few gambits available to White after 1.d4.
The King’s Gambit is one of the oldest documented openings, appearing in one of the earliest chess books, Luis Ramírez de Lucena’s Repetición de Amores y Arte de Ajedrez (1497). It was examined by the 17th-century Italian chess player Giulio Cesare Polerio. The King’s Gambit was one of the most popular openings until the late 19th century, when improvements in defensive technique led to its decline in popularity. It is infrequently seen at master level today, as Black has several methods to gain equality, but is still popular at amateur level.
The Evans Gambit is an aggressive line of the Giuoco Piano. White offers a pawn to divert the black bishop on c5. If Black accepts, White can follow up with c3 and d4, ripping open the centre, while also opening diagonals to play Ba3 or Qb3 at some point, preventing Black from castling kingside and threatening the f7-pawn respectively. If Black declines, the b4-pawn stakes out space on the queenside, and White can follow up with a4 later in the game, potentially gaining a tempo by threatening to trap Black’s dark-square bishop. According to Reuben Fine, the Evans Gambit poses a challenge for Black since the usual defences (play …d6 and/or give back the gambit pawn) are more difficult to pull off than with other gambits. (Fine was once beaten by this gambit in a friendly game against Bobby Fischer, in just 17 moves.)
The Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings has two codes for the Evans Gambit, C51 and C52.
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