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🔹 Deadly Scotch Game Trap | Hyper-Aggressive Opening for White –
In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares with you the best chess opening for White to crush beginners and intermediate level opponents. It is the Scotch Game which happens after the following moves: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4.
It works extremely well at the beginner level because most of the amateur players make the following opening mistake in the mainline after 3…exd4 4.Nxd4 Nxd4. More than 15 million chess players have made this opening mistake (4…Nxd4) and their average rating is 1500 ELO.
Therefore, this opening variation will help you beat players up to 1500 ELO in just 10 moves!
► Chapters
00:00 Best Chess Opening to Beat Beginners & Intermediates
00:14 Scotch Game chess opening for White
01:05 90% of players make this opening mistake
02:27 Proof: 15+ MILLION players make this opening mistake
04:00 Mainline: 5…d6
05:20 If Black doesn’t play 4…Nxd4
06:28 Puzzle of the day: Can you find the winning move?
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I really love your videos and mato jelic
How dose pone take pone at 1:55 in video ?
This continues to be useful, effective, well-communicated instruction, especially since it is terms of our typical school or club opponent. But …. I miss your cat !!
Ne7, Nxe7, Rxf8+, Kxf8, Rd8 checkmate or Ne7+, Kh8, Rxf8 checkmate
aight im one of those 15 million human who played it wrong lol
Nxd4 may be bad for Black – but it's hardly the end of the world.
1.e4 …
2. Ke2!!
That's how you crush Black!!
Ne7+, Nxe7 Rxf8 kxf8 Rd8+#
I want your channel to get so much bigger, Igor.
Yeah, im sure ill lose a lot more games because everyone else is better too but you are an excellent teacher (which many strong players are not) and i think your style of active, aggressive play is so good for improving at chess.
At minute 1.57 you glitch a wrong move 😅 so the check on the king issnt ther
Tried it against 1400s twice, didn’t work 😢
Kn to e7 check, Kn x Kn, R x R check, K x R, R to d8 checkmate.
Aha! Ne7+ Kh8 Rxf8#
Thanks GM Smirnov for this one on the Scotch. I saw a Pogchamps game where xQc, coached by Nakamura, misplayed this and got Scholar's Mated in about 6 moves. Critical, his opponent, played the correct queen attack for Black, coached by Botez. Naka was due for a loss, he disrespect speedran the 2300s, a goal which may be out of my reach. And he tore up my nice London opening just when I got it connected to my middlegame. Karma!! I'll try this one properly, I was getting mixed results with London.
Igor I love your videos but this is way too much clickbait… 1500 is too optimistic. I am around 1300-1400 and my experience is players over 1150 more or less already know how to defend against the scotch…
Puzzle: 1. Ne7+ – Nxe7, 2. Rxf8+ – Kxf8, 3. Rd8# (Knight on e7 exacerbating Black's back rank problems)
Ne7 Nd5 take Ne7 Ra8 take Rf8 Rd1 to d8 checkmate
Hey Igor, only a complete beginner would play that way. Don't care what the stats say, 99% of people move their queen in front of the pawn, stopping the attack on the knight. The position is very playable, but very different from what you're showing.
Amazing 👍
…, Nxe7
Rxf8, Kxf8
to learn this or from your opening labs plan, tough choices to make
I must play aggressive players and bots. At 1:46, the k would capture white pawn and then bishop. The queen wouldn't scare him at all.
At 1.59, how does the pawn take the other pawn? It is side by side to start?
it's easy to spot 3. Rd8# 😉
ne7 nxe7 rxf8 kxf8 rd8#
For anyone suffering on the other end, try 4.Qh4. No one knows the best move at the 1500 level. 9/10 times you get into a chill pawn up endgame.
Ne7 check black takes e7 white goes rd8 black takes d8 white rd8# mate
Sad thing is…my opponent is also watching this video
With the queen on E5 why would black not move bishop to D6?
you said Qf6 was best but also d6?????
Ne7+ NxN is forced (…Kh8, RxR#) Rxf8+! forcing KxR and Rd8#
Ok, just noticed that you after pawn to d5, you took it using the pawn at e5 at 1:58. That's not right.
I played something similar but it's four knights: scotch variation. Still used it to this day, around 1600+ rating close to 1700. 1. e4 e5 2. nf3 nc6 3. nc3 nf6 4. d4 exd4 5. nxd4 nxd4? Already a slight mistake. Then queen takes, bishop out and queen side castling. Sometimes my opponent couldn't handle well the rook pin on the d file. Thus, usually resulting a free pawn.
Puzzle sol. :- Ne7, Nd5×e7 , Rook takes rook, King takes rook , Rook to d8 mate.
Except after Qxe4, then e5 with the idea to clear the bishop and queen and castle queen side for black.
Puzzle: b7, black moves pawn, Rc8..or b7, black moves pawn, b7xa8,king takes,Rc8
This was a hilarious game:
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Nxd4 5. Qxd4 Nf6 6. e5 c5 7. Qe3 Ng4 8.
Qe4 d5 9. exd6+ Be6 10. Bb5+ Qd7 11. Bxd7+ Kd8 12. Qxb7 Bxd6 13. Bxe6 fxe6 14.
Qxa8+ Ke7 15. Qxh8 Kf7 16. Qxh7 Nf6 17. Qd3 Be5 18. Qa6 Nd5 19. Qxa7+ Kg6 20.
Qd7 Kf6 21. Qxd5 exd5 22. a4 Ke6 23. a5 c4 24. a6 Bf6 25. a7 Ke5 26. Ra6 c3 27.
bxc3 g5 28. a8=Q Kf5 29. Qe8 d4 30. Qf7 dxc3 31. Qxf6+ Ke4 32. Nxc3# 1-0
Essentially, each chess piece is a type of swith that opens AND closes the access lines of other switches each time a swith is moved.
solution: 1.Ne7+ Nxe7 2.Rdd8 Rxd8 3.Rxd8#
I really like this opening
So tricky to play
What program is he using?
I tried this at 500 rating and after 15 games not a single person played like this…
No-one at 1400/1500 would play Nf6 at 1.10
That challange at the end is easy. I am ELO 600 and so it almost imidiatelly (ten it take some time to confim it).
Ne7+ Nxe7 Rxf8+ Kxf8 Rd8#
Ne7+ Nxe7, Rxf8 Kxf8, Rd8#
1:56 what even is that move? Its impossible
Ne7+, Nxe7
Rxf8+, Kxf8
at 2mins,you pick up the black pawn who is attacking the queen with the pawn, but it doesn't work there
Ne7+:1500 ELO. The second move 1700 ELO. That is feeble -minded joke.