Learn The Ultimate Chess Opening || The Evans Gambit!

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Italian Game: Evans Gambit. Morphy Attack (C51)

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. b4 Bb4 5. c3 Ba5 6. d4 ed4 7. O-O d6 8. cd4 Bb6 9. Nc3 Na5 10. e5 de5 11. Bf7 Kf7 12. Ng5 Ke8 13. Nce4 Qd4 14. Qh5 g6 15. Qf3 Nh6 16. Ba3 Nc4 17. Qf7 Nf7 18. Nf6 Kd8 19. Nf7

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  1. Much better than the "Remote Chess Academy" on the Evans Gambit. Better helps you understand the analysis and defense.

  2. "You won't win a lot against high skilled played, but, yeah, against people in your own skill"

    the shade….

  3. "You won't win a lot against high skilled played, but, yeah, against people in your own skill"

    the shade….

  4. I just watched agadmator playing with himself!!

  5. going over all these options but missing the italian gambit, my go to opening. But maybe better to keep it on the low 🙂 Evan's gambit looks interesting as well but the stoneware (bishop d6 after capturing the pawn) is a great defense to prepare as black, and I used it with great succes. So I'm tentative to start playing it as white..

  6. I just played this opening for the first time and I was doing good until my opponent was attacking me on the kingside and I made one bad move on move 21 and the game fell apart and I lost horribly.

  7. 16 mn 16 s : Txe8 + au lieu de cxd4. D ou Rxe8. Maintenant cxd4. De1 + Ff1.
    C'est une autre partie. Cette variante est mieux pour les Blancs

  8. Just came here to increase views. 1 drop to fill Ocean. 🙏🏼❤️

  9. "And this is where the game starts."
    agadmator at 22 mins mark

  10. This is where the fun starts- Anakin skyw ooops Agadmador

  11. 13:28 Ba3 wins a rook But you don't want to lose to pieces

  12. Hello, and thank you for all you do, love the videos! I have a question: at 13:26 , after that position, what if white plays Bishop to E3 ??

  13. Do you think this gambit is better for white then the traxler variation? When white knows he has to play king f1… but gets the rook

  14. Agadmator: I don't like empty space.
    Volume of a hydrogen atom: 99.9999999999996% empty space.

  15. My opponent accepted the gambit with his knight and then went knight d3. What?! Seems that my best move is to capture with my bishop, but now I lose a tempo. Is knight d3 a good move for black?

  16. "If you are a stronger player you are probably not watching this Video because why would you?"

    Not sure what counts as stronger player but Evans Gambit works just fine for me against ~2000 rated opponents.
    I don't see why it would be a beginner opening.
    Up to maybe 2200/2300 rating it's perfectly fine.
    You probably only start feeling the small objective flaws at Grandmaster level.

  17. I think they should ban certain openings for major tournaments. I like wanna resign when I sit down and my opponent plays the ruy Lopez. I get my hopes up when we play guico piano….. I pray for Evans gambit…. But it never comes up. Although once me and my mate were playing in a tournament and he smiled and offered me evans gambit. He knows I love it and I always complain that it is never played anymore. We drew.

  18. What a backhand slap- (paraphrase) if you’re any good you’re not watching this video. Not cool sir.

  19. Me practing this but the pawn keeps taking on the one thing he said would never happen so I get smoked thx 😂😂😂

  20. 1 million views, we are waiting for that part 2 you promised.

  21. Wow, Dude has a DIME for a girlfriend.
    Lucky prick.

  22. What if after Bishop to a3, trying to stop black from castling, black decides to go knight tales e4? how do you respond to that?

  23. Of course, once you study the hell out of it, Stockfish refuses to respond with e5 so you can practice…

  24. @13:33 in the video why can’t you play Qa5? or bishop to e3 don’t see what’s wrong w these moves

  25. Can you please go over the Pierce Mieses? I can’t figure it out when people know their theory 😢

  26. 👍👍👍😎😎👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  27. I once played the Evans gambit in club chess, and went on to win. Probably lucky though.

  28. I stopped watching when Antonio confessed 'no-one said the Evans Gambit was easy'

  29. it takes time to get used to it, as white you can try to play evans gambit, but black will not always play black bishop to c5,

  30. I don’t always play 1.e4.

    But when I do, I’m doing it to play the Evans Gambit.

    Stay Morphy my friends.

  31. what happens if black takes the c3 pawn with their pawn?

  32. At fast time control, Evan's Gambit is deadly.

  33. This was great- you should definitely make an Evans Gambit course on chessable- it would be awesome!

  34. No one notice! He got 1BTC at the time 😎

  35. There is snother one he did with Kings gambit. Please drop me the link

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