Learn the Smith Morra Gambit with Hikaru

Hikaru reviews two of his own games and discusses gambits including the Smith Morra


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  1. 😀I watch and highly recommend GMHikaru content for its consistent high quality.
    Yet. I'd laugh and probably wouldn't agree that anyone below 1900 has to play e4 all the time and take their lumps to improve. IMO that's exactly right if you want to develop or already find yourself playing in a highly tactical attacking style like Hikaru but IMO there are as many ways to play chess as there are individual humans. I myself self-schooled myself on the technical aspects of playing positional defense before adding tactics to my personal style. I studied games by players like Botvinnik, Petrosian and Smyslov with the idea that tactics are born organically out of a position that was prepared and only when the ground was properly cultivated tactics would finish off my opponents, and that got me up to Expert class (UCSF). IMO practically anyone else can tread the same path I did and also approach a UCSF Master rating.

    But of course, becoming really good at chess requires a well rounded style. No matter what your personal bias might be, higher class play requires a good balance of both tactics and strategical play although it's anyone's guess what the right mix might be. I am mightily impressed that Hikaru can exemplify chess played mostly based on tactics and relatively few games that involve long, slow maneuvering. Even long Hikaru games are usually a succession of tactical constructions rather tha an effort to strangle. I speculate that might be because of the impact of computers on play today that positional advantages are achieved by relatively few tactical sequences and computers may not yet be capable of playing positionally as well. And it helps that brute force calculation of about 9 plies(half moves) are frequently sufficient to conquer most opponents.

  2. Small comment on the references to the Danish Gambit in this video….
    IMO simply offering the c3 pawn (in double KP openings) is the Goring Gambit initially but evolves into the Danish Gambit if White develops a certain way and doesn't recapture with the QN on c3 immediately.

  3. I was looking forward to this particular GMHikaru take on the Smith-Morra because one can almost say that Hikaru's treatment/interpretation of playing it is relatively new to me. The viewer should know that in none of these games Black played the recommended defenses to the Smith-Morra but that's part of the charm of choosing an opening like this that puts pressure on the opponent to remember and spend time on the line and the Smith-Morra is actually a fairly safe gambit for hite to play… AFAIK White always achieves good positions and pressure even if Black plays accurately although in the end with all gambits if Black can withstand the assault without having to return the material, White is likely playing the rest of the game at a disadvantage… But at the GM level I doubt that a pawn deficit in the opening and middlegame likely means a loss in the endgame.

  4. My fellow 900ELO players, Here i come with Smith Morra

  5. Thank you, this is my favorite of your guides so far.

  6. The best part was Uno, dos tres, cuatro, cinco, seis pieces 😅

  7. This is what I started playing against the Sicilian

  8. I recall a funny comment by Bent Larsen on the Smith-Morra. He was playing in a tournament in San Antonio where Ken Smith was also playing. He commented on a game where Smith played 1. e4 and his opponent played a French Defense. Larsen annotated Black's 1…e6 with a ?, saying 1…c5! wins by force since Smith always plays his gambit and lost every game playing it.

  9. Hikaru 's fake smile for intro of his video is permanent

  10. Marc Esserman Gambit – shoutout to Morra Mayhem

  11. What had happened to Hikaru in TATA Steel india rapid & blitz ? He lost to Arjun 3-0 there !!😕

  12. The emphasis on “saaack” instead of “the rooook” was just the content we needed. Somebody needs to do a video loop of levy and hikaru saying, “sack(ed) the rook” back and forth to each other and it would be gold.

  13. Good gambit, but in blitz and rapid i usually play d3 in reply, and its pretty comfortable sicilian defence for black

  14. What a brain you have
    Memorizing all violence lines in smith mora

  15. Waiting for your English Opening video. Thanks in advance

  16. I accedantly played it and felt embarassed for not knowing it, thx hikaru

  17. Bro bro chill, i dunno if he's rappin or educatin me

  18. hikaru talk different from what I remember

  19. Sir please resume white piieces

  20. Once a legend said "Welcome back everyone"

  21. welcome everyone for today's video ……..😆

  22. It's great to see you giving credibility again to this amazing opening!

  23. OMG that entry quote spoke to me. I've played Queen's gambit all my life and cannot break that barrier over 18/1900. Ty Ty Ty Ty 🤠

  24. I am using this video to help me imagine/map the board

  25. So I wonder, on other videos, when Hikaru looks up left, and sees the board from one side, then turns the right looking up at the reverse position.

  26. Hikaru always chews on his words in the intro

  27. It will last forever for me cuz this is some memorizing the board thank you

  28. "Being a pawn down you will have to dig into each position." I don't really agree that you're digging down, in this video Hikura is keeping the tempo, not digging. Running on water.

  29. How to win black morra gambit sir

  30. Listened to the first game over 10 times today. Still working still grinding still learning the board.

  31. He looks like Mr beast but japanese

  32. Arjun used his bow name as chess username

  33. I played this gambit without knowing and i was winning pretty much and my opponent resigned

  34. smith morra is my favorite way to deal with people who play sicilian under 1500, i already loved the danish and this is very similar

  35. I’m gonna be honest..as a 1000 rated player..I’m very lost in your fast explanation. But if I slow down the video I can understand the ideas behind your moves but there’s no way I’m gonna remember until I play these lines myself lol

  36. played the default smith morra gambit and found out its a real opening so i came here. crushed him ofc

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