Learn the Evans and Nakhmanson Gambit | 10-Minute Chess Openings

IM Levy Rozman aka GothamChess is back with another 10-minute chess opening video on the Evans Gambit and Nakhmanson Gambit. This is Agadmator’s and Leela’s favorite opening, so it must be amazing.
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  1. I moved my bishop to c4 and my opponent played NA5 immediately, what do I do vs that?

  2. Finally got the Nakhmanson gambit today. I wonder what went through my opponents head being +7 and getting mated in 12 moves. 🤔

  3. Hi Levy!, thanks for the video! I was wondering about evans gambit declined into Giuoco Piano game threatening the knight w/ pawn on E5. Is this a solid line?

  4. Any one else around here who doesn't understand anything in this vid? I feel like I'm the only one

    This isn't a hate comment I'm just an overwhelmed chess learner:)

  5. If you want to stay in theme, against the petrov you can still play Bc4, and either transpose to the Italian or end up in a Stafford Gambit up a tempo where for black to hold advantage they have to play ridiculous moves like f6, g6

  6. Hi Levy, I very liked this video! It's so funny: The gambit has my name: Evan+s(The first letter of my family name!)

  7. In the Italian game what is the next move attack after opponent moved H6?

  8. Evan’s gambit is basically all I play nowadays. Gotta blame agadmator for that one lol

  9. Ng5 is not yet the Fried Liver. The line you give avoids it and has another name.

  10. 5:31 Hey, not all of us are beginners nor do we play with beginners.

  11. engine also recommends ke8 in the nakhamson gambit and qf6 next move

  12. See… but what happens when they take with the knight after you play knight to c3 in the nahkmanson

  13. Very good explanation of the Evans , even I can understand it !!

  14. The nakhmanson gambit seems very similar to the lolli attack

  15. in light of your comments at the end of your video. Love your content Levy

  16. At 6 minutes Qh4 would have been a blunder as blacks bishop is eyeing h4

  17. Eh beginners play the knight to the edge of the board all the time….

  18. what if the black bishop attacks the rook on a1?

  19. Video made 2 years ago. You said you wanted to not pin the hateful comments because you wanted to see more of the good side of the community….. When did that change because it's nearly almost always the "Pin of Shame".

  20. That black subtitles are hiding white piece soo badly

  21. Because I play the Italian (I’m trying to learn, I’ve learned a main line already) and I kind of want to try something new, and you say that it is strong

  22. I watch this video 5 times before playing a game.

  23. Instead of Qb3, can't why also just get a better Fried Liver attack with Ng5?

  24. Ty levy you have tought me soooo much… after 10 years of learning from you specifically i have now reached 500 elo. TY lololololz jokes

  25. what should i plan on doing if at 2:27 black takes the knight on d2 threatening to take on e4 and realistically taking on e4

  26. my friend, you bring so much life into chess, I lOVE your videos, it is amazing. I had to review it like 3 times to understand better, but it is just nuts, pure stuff!

  27. "I know I've been pinning hate comments but I want to move on from that" 😛

  28. Is there a way to get rid of the subtitles? Those are blocking the view.

  29. So I tried the gambit. He took with his flipping knight. Absolutely destroys the gambit.

  30. Lmao off I just lost to bishop e7 and knight a5 by black in the Evans. I know a few extra moves that line now

  31. bro went from "take care" to "get outta here" in the outros.

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