Italian Gambit – Chess Opening

The Italian Gambit starts with 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. d4 and is an aggressive line in the Italian Game. For more chess openings check out


  1. How I'm tired of these gambits. Let's see what happens if black does something crazy

  2. So I think I have a gambit in the giucco piano game. I've had some success with it. Ran the moves in a database it doesn't exist but it's essentially a pawn gambit to win blacks dark square bishop before move ten

  3. Would love a video on the Marshall Gambit 🙂

  4. 11:24 what about Bxf7+ and after the king captures, Qd5 to take the bishop on c5?

  5. Didnt magnus offer a draw after d4 against some guy?

  6. Plz need all openings and love you man for these openings

  7. Hey
    I'm a beginner ,what if our opponent block Italian formation

  8. When Qh5+, can't the black queen just take the white queen?

  9. How the heck does he not have more subs. he is so underrated!

  10. I love the Italian chess opening! Great video!

  11. The Italian opening is really instructive for developing players, but a bit too complex for beginners.
    It really demonstrates the complexities of such concepts as pins, discoveries, and gambits, probably more than any other opening.
    What is most fascinating about the Italian game for me, is that the game is utterly rewritten by the exchange sequence alone. There are many snakes in the grass !

  12. would love to see the portuguese gambit if you haven't already done it

  13. I need more people to play against on this chess app

  14. Caution… in the 4…Bxd4 line, Kevin recommends 5.Ng5?! however this move simply does not cut it against strong players. After 5…Nh6 6.c3 (Kevin's suggestion) 6…Bb6 7.O-O O-O Stockfish evaluates this position as -1.00 meaning white has absolutely zero compensation for the pawn. Instead of 5.Ng5, the best move is 5.Nxd4 because at least now white has the (double!) bishop pair as comp. Which leads us to why most master level players play 4…exd4, as it does not surrender the bishop pair and instead can transpose into highly theoretical lines deriving from the Scotch Gambit.

  15. Isnt it knight H6 is the best move for black? What do we do for that?

  16. How can I get better? I don't know which opening is best

  17. if the bishop takes on d4 White is in trouble

  18. Yes the 5)Ng5 line is not the normal move, but NxB. The commentary is sloppy, incomplete, and hence pretty useless, especially for beginners. It gives some general ideas. But not conclusive on what to do. Not impressed.

  19. I've definitely been on the losing side of this gambit

  20. at last, if they take c3 pawn, we can play another gambit: 1.Bc7-Kc7 2.Qd5-Ke8 3.Qh5-G6 4.Qf5-BC 5.BC-Bc2

  21. Does anyone know why did this channel go down ? It used to get so many views before some years.

  22. Hi people, I am new to chess what you suggest me to learn after I learn moves and basic principes. I am playing with licchess computer on 3 level and everytime computer win. Can someone tell me what to learn next, opennings?? tactics?? I don't know how to beat computer( thats my goal for now in chess to beat computer on level 3 ) . Thank you.!

  23. At the 2 46 minute , can we play bishop to d3??

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