#chessgame #chess #shortsviral #chessplayer #chessgrandmaster


  1. Long story. What a game.
    Sipoy at C3 eats the elephant and Bishop to b4 checks the king.
    If the king moves to c2, it's a checkmate with the queen to f5.
    If the king moves to e3, knight to d5 check forces king to d3 or e4.
    King to e4 instantly attracts Rook to e8 check
    Forces the king to d3 after which, Queen f5 ends with checkmate.
    For the king to d3, first queen check at f5 and then by rook at e8 ends the game.

  2. Isnt it takes rook with pawn bishop b4 check king forced to c2 queen f5 or g6 checkmate and if they dont take the rook and go king e3 then jts took to e8 checkmate

  3. if take the rook, then Bb4+ Ke3 Re8+ King take Knight and Bd6#

  4. Take or escape most are checkmates as Ive seen it. Not taking the rook if black takes white queen its just a prolonged suffering for white with a bad position.

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