Jonathan Schrantz teaches the Benko Gambit. Learn what to do after 3…b5. See a game where white faltered, a game where black deviated from the correct line, and a game where both sides played well.
A58 Benko gambit accepted
Harikrishna vs. Tregubov, 2004: A58 Benko gambit accepted
Peralta vs. Perez Mitjans, 2015: A58 Benko gambit, fianchetto variation
36:10 can we play Bd5
Yes it's good
First! remember when that was a thing…
It's amazing how you get massacred if you don't know your openings…
Thanks again for the insight.
If we can choose i would vote for the Sicilian Kan, with 4. … a6, without the Maroczy Bind to follow.
5:55 But it's not hanging, White has Qa4 at the end winning a piece 🙂
I understand this was designed for YouTube (looks and motions to the camera frequently), but the instructor needs to talk to the audience that's actually there and not the camera, it comes off as in insult to the audience in most cases. Refer to Ben Finegold's style, he appeals to both the camera and the audience.
very likeable guy i like his lecture a lot
I request some main Gruenfeld variations
Wow, someone listened to me. It's like my existence has meaning! Thanks!
Dat cough doe
I love when someone is able to explain a main line variation of an opening and its ideas. I've been playing this variation for quite a while now and I really learned a lot from this video. Specifically that white shouldn't get crazy and try to play f4, e5 and f5. I really feel that as a non-member of the chess club I shouldn't have any say on what topic will be covered on the lecture but since Jonathan encouraged us to submit some openings I would really like to see the samisch variation of the kings indian as black or a recommendation on how to play against the caro kann as white. Thank you very much for all the videos I really enjoy them!
I love gambits x3
Some Dutsch (attacking) lines are my request. Or the Grand prix attack!
I request for Modern Scandinavian Defense or Caro-Kann
Queen's Indian ftw… Petrosian variation. Seems like a good lecture for Mr.Akobian.
I would like to see the closed sicilian.
53.58 — what if instead of Kf7 and then ..R:c7 +- black would have chosen Rc1+ Kg2 Qd1 (Qh1++) ?
Thanks for the lecture Jonathan, very nice again. As an idea for any next lectures, I think it would be nice to look at the Petroff defense for black. Especially I would be interested in some of blacks more aggresive lines in this opening, if those lines even exist(?).
Dear administration of the channel! I think this video should be renamed to "… Benko gambit, fianchetto variation". It would be much more precise and helpful. Like the first video of this series: "… slav, Noteboom variation". Thanks for the video)
Greate Job Jonathan, I like he bot Videos, I'm Waiting for the next
This new series of chess lectures are awesome and very well delivered! I hope to see some grunfeld ideas in the next videos. Thnks!
Very nice video! suggestion: Paulsen/Taimanov/Kan . Our sicilian really needs improving!
Hi, just wanted to ask, what program are you using? 🙂
thanks for this video. Could you please make some video on middle game based on french defence