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3 Most Aggressive Chess Gambits
It’s been a while since we have explore different chess gambits for the White players (you can see the last article clicking here). But now we will explore the 3 most aggressive chess gambits that white can play. Do you want to crush your opponent? Then here you will learn how to do it!
GM Damian Lemos will help us to discover which are the best chess opening choices if we want to win quickly. The three options are e4-openings, and can be played against 1…e5 players. Choose your favorite and start winning!
King’s Gambit
The King’s Gambit is the king of the chess gambits… Yeah, no originality here.
But it’s the truth. The King’s Gambit has been played for centuries. And although it has become out of fashion, it hasn’t been refuted (and probably it will never be), as it’s well founded in positional concepts. The idea after 1.e4 e5 2.f4!? is to distract the black central pawn to the side of the board, leaving White with a big pawn center. After 2…exf4 White has two options, both explored in the video.
The King’s Bishop Gambit (3.Bc4) is probably the best option. True, Black can now force the white king to move with 3…Qh4+, but the queen is misplaced and it will take time to place it in a better square.
White take full advantage of the exposed queen in the position on the right.
Here White played 7.g3!, apparently sacrificing a second pawn. But the idea is to answer 7…fxg3 (which is almost forced) with 8.Kg2!, and now 8…gxh2?? 9.Rxh2 loses the queen!
Moreover, White is threatening 9.hxg3 winning the queen too. So Black is forced to play 8…Qh6 9.hxg3 Qg6, losing a lot of time. White has full compensation for the pawn sacrificed after 10.Nf3, as he has almost finished development and has a big pawn-center. Meanwhile, Black hasn’t move any piece in the queenside, and his king isn’t secure in the center or in the kingside.
If you aren’t comfortable with the white king in f1, GM Lemos also suggest you the other main line, i.e. 3.Nf3. White avoids the check on h4, but the knight is exposed to …g7-g5-g4. In fact, after 3…g5 Damian recommends you to sacrifice it!
The Muzio Gambit starts after 4.Bc4 g4 5.O-O gxf3 6.Qxf3. White hasn’t material compensation for the knight.
But he has completed the development of his kingside pieces and has all his active pieces aiming to the weak f7-pawn. If the f4-pawn disappears Black will be in real danger!
Evans Gambit
The Evans Gambit is other of the most aggressive chess gambits. In this case, after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 (the other main line, 3…Nf6, is discussed in the next game) 4.b4!? White sacrifices a pawn to win a few tempos. White’s idea is to follow up with c3 and d4, taking control of the center. And Black can’t avoid it!
White also gets more freedom for his pieces, which can be easily developed to their best squares. As it positional-grounded, this gambit usually allows White to get long-lasting compensation for the pawn. And Black usually doesn’t get an easy to play position, which “helps” him to make mistakes.
The following position is a typical one originated from the Evans Gambit.
In this position, Black still is a pawn up, but he has some problems finishing his development. The Bc8 is jailed, and the d-pawn can’t move without being lost. Meanwhile, White has more space and more active pieces.
What should White play in this position?
If you found the winning combination (yes! there is one!) you can click on the diagram and found the detailed analysis in the video.
Do you want to study the Evans Gambit? You need deeper analysis? Check out the course Decimate Black with the Evans Gambit. Click here to get it with a special discount.
Fried Liver Attack
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► Learn the Evan’s Gambit:
► Learn the Fried Liver Attack:
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This is very theoretical not good for medium level
i love kings gambit because it is a wild and very aggresive oppening!
I always lose when I prefer playing Gambit.
Excellent video! Thanks for share. Explained well
I LEARNED A LOT. Now I can beat those wanna be chess players in that wanna be chess club but its not a club its a NIGHT CLUB OF WHORES.
halowin gambit is more agrsive then the evans
3 most aggressive chess gambits: 1) Evan's gambit 2) Evan's gambit 3) Evan's gambit – You're welcome! 😀
2:19 black plays F8-C5. i see that allot last couple months… what we do then?
fried liver meets traxler counter = white lose a lot. The weakness of those gambits are they all require 1e5 so unless you see that you do not get to play them. I've found that preparing wing gambits vs c5 and e6 gives a much higher transition into gambits, and most opponents on my level prefer those opening moves, so it is a great choice for a gambiteer and more likely to surprise your opponent to boot.
too much talking, lol
I like Italian Gambit
Thank you so much . You are awesome man , I am going to use these Gambits 😁
Kings Gambit: After Re1, why doesn't black play Qg8?
hello gm Damian plz tell how to understand or remember all opening
hello gm Damian plz tell how to understand or remember all opening
Hi Damian ! I think you must make a Deep Dive Kings Gambit! It will be great!!!
In 5:06 , What if Black Moves his Pawn to D5 instead of Moving Queen (for defending queen) ???
What happens if black plays Qh4+ in 1:09?
At 8:07 black could have played Be6 to prevent checkmate. ( – , Be6 dxe6 fxe6 Bxe6 Nc6)
Interesting Damian, I learn more from you, thanks and go on I follow you
3:39 Is a bad move from white if black decided to recapture the pawn at g3 white can't take it because he will land his rook for black.
Evans Gambit is on ….. 13:00
Abe Tera kuch kam nahin hai kya
I play kings gambit all the time. Unfortunately most of my opponents seem to know how to defend against it. Sigh.
A fierce opponent once challenged Damian Lemos to a chessduel. Before the game ever happened Lemos delivered a psychic checkmate with his scary eyebrows and the opponent ran away screaming while he danced to Donald Trump´s new election-victory-speech……
What ist THAT???
Grandmasters getting older and older…
This was a very informative video. Thank you for making it, I'll try these out when I get the chance. 🙂
Nice job
Really informative video. I hope I can beat my mum now